A downloadable game

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Storycircle is a game I've been running and developing for nearly twenty years. It is a rules light tabletop RPG designed originally for spooky Mystery Kids adventures but functional across a range of genres.

Using a handful of D6s, play in either traditional Game Master Guided play or through GMless co-operative play using the Light and Shadow system. A self-pacing mechanism keeps the action moving and brings an adventure to a close in a timely manner, ready to go on another one.

This CC-BY-SA ruleset includes the StoryCircle Toolbox, containing modular expansion rules to the five page basic rules as well as essays on story structure derived from classic popular fiction writers.

This is a work of love, shared on this Halloween 2023 to bring the same joy to your table that it has to mine, and to remind us all to play together.

Please enjoy.


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StoryCircle Revised 3.11.pdf 335 kB

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